Don't Wait for the Unexpected to Consider an Umbrella Policy

Just like you shouldn't wait until the rain falls to buy an umbrella, don't wait until a major event happens to consider an umbrella policy.

An umbrella policy provides an extra layer of protection when your policy limits have been exceeded. In the event of a major crisis, you could meet your policy limits before all damages are resolved. By adding umbrella insurance, you are shielded by coverage that extends your limits.

To better understand umbrella protection, it helps to understand scenarios where it would apply:

  • An at-fault car accident – if you have been found at fault in a collision, the damages may exceed your personal auto policy maximum benefit.
  • An injury on your property – if a guest is injured while at your home, they may sue for injuries that exceed the limits of your homeowner’s policy.

If your home or farm insurance is placed with Buckeye Insurance Group, consider obtaining an umbrella policy to protect you and your assets. For more information, contact your local agent today!